It's really not about time or money, two items that are frequently in short supply in most households. It is about wanting to make the most of each moment you share a meal. Case in point: all of the dishes in this post use components that are inexpensive, with not one of the dishes costing more than $5 per serving and some significantly less.
We make pizzas weekly because they're that perfect combination of an inexpensive, blank canvas. And, they always pair well with red wine! This one is a pear, blue cheese, sage, Vidalia onion and crushed red pepper version.
Tortellini in Brodo is comfort food at it's best - healthy and light - and practically free.
Braised lamb over polenta with carrots, mushrooms, pearl onions and roasted garlic is super affordable. We used lamb shoulder blade chops as they are one of the most inexpensive cuts available and braise as well as more expensive shanks.
I've got to give credit to my Dad for this one: slicing and sauteeing the polenta from the night before, for breakfast with real maple syrup (smuggled back from my last trip to New England). Cucina Povera never tasted so good!
You're the chef of my dream....when is the next time you will be in Italy?
Posted by: Gracie | December 06, 2011 at 07:01 AM